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This app is for Members only and offers a more confidential community to talk about Comics, Movies, Games, and more!

SigmaGirl_Pic00-removebg-preview (1).png

Get ready for the next thrilling comic in the Superiorverse saga with SigmaGirl "Star Child"!

After the intense battle at the Kilene embassy, Susan Summers, aka SigmaGirl, is freed on a technicality. With the guidance of her savvy publicist, she starts rebuilding her life. However, she soon realizes that the deadly clash with the Herald was only the beginning. An even greater threat looms on the horizon. Can SigmaGirl rise to the challenge?

ICON Magazine is a Hero magazine in the Superior Phalanx Universe.
The Titles explain actual events in both Superior Phalanx and SigmaGirl Comics.

Eventi in programma

  • Desk Talk
    Desk Talk
    Date multiple
    dom 04 ago
    04 ago 2024, 20:00 – 21:00
    The Drawing Desk Live Steam
    04 ago 2024, 20:00 – 21:00
    The Drawing Desk Live Steam
    Live Blogging what's coming up. Talking about Video Games, Comics and Movies.
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